EP 104: Existential Hope - Allison Duettmann

Allison is the president of Foresight Institute where she leads the Intelligent Cooperation, Molecular Machines, Biotech & Health Extension Groups.

She co-edited the book Superintelligence: Coordination & Strategy, and is collaborating on another book on Intelligent Voluntary Cooperation.

Her futures journey started as a child when she realised that she did not want to die. The pathways she followed after that included Existentialism, Transhumanism, and finally the Foresight Institute. She speaks extensively about the Big Three - Biotech, Nanotech and Computer Science

Interviewed by: Peter Hayward

More about Allison

- Friedrich Nietzsche quote: On truth and Lies in a Nonmoral Sense

- Eric Drexler quote: Engines of Creation

- Robin Hanson quote: https://www.overcomingbias.com/2009/09/this-is-the-dream-time.html

 - Foresight Institute website: https://foresight.org

- Molecular Machines group: https://foresight.org/molecular-machines/

- Molecular Machines seminar summaries: https://foresight.org/molecular-machines/nanotech-molecular-machines-videos/  

- Biotech and Health Extension group: https://foresight.org/biotech-health-extension-program/

- Biotech and Health Extension seminar summaries: https://foresight.org/biotech-health-extension-program/videos/  

- Intelligent Cooperation group: https://foresight.org/intelligent-cooperation/

- Intelligent Cooperation seminar summaries: https://foresight.org/intelligent-cooperation-videos/ 

- Existential Hope group: https://foresight.org/existential-hope/

- Vision Weekend 2021: https://foresight.org/vision-weekend-2021/ 

- The Foresight Institute Podcast: https://foresight.org/podcast/

- Twitter Foresight: https://twitter.com/foresightinst

- Twitter Allison Duettmann: https://twitter.com/allisondman

- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/foresightinst

- Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCg5UVUMqXeCQ03MelT_RXMg 

- Existential Hope Page: https://www.existentialhope.com

- Foresight Newsletter signup: http://eepurl.com/b9skYf 

- Apply to join Foresight’s groups: https://foresight.org/application-for-foresight-biotech-molecular-machines-intelligent-cooperation-xhope-groups/