EP 39: Living in a Cliff Hanger - Jorge Camacho

Jorge Camacho is both an educator and practitioner who works with Design and Strategic Foresight but he did not train as a Designer or Futurist. His is a practice of evolution and movement, of change and hope, Jorge explains how culture and system thinking are foundational to his work. How he is excited and honoured to be part of the next generation of practitioners taking this work forward. For him the capacity to design your future should be universal. 

Interviewed by: Peter Hayward

More about Jorge



  1. Diagonal Estudio

  2. Institute for the Future

  3. Plurality University Network

  4. Centro - Especialidad en Diseño del Mañana

  5. Ibero - Maestria en Diseño Estratégico e Innovación

  6. Cybernetic Culture Research Unit

  7. Stuart Candy and Jake Dunagan’s masterclass in Mexico City

  8. Operación Axolotl in Candy’s intro to experiential futures

  9. Near Future Laboratory

  10. Dunne and Raby

  11. Diagonal’s financial inclusion project for Fiinlab/Gentera

  12. Diagonal’s Acá Nos Tocará Vivir

  13. Short article on Acá Nos Tocará Vivir

  14. Primer EU’s talk on Acá Nos Tocará Vivir

  15. Textor’s Ethnographic Futures Research (EFR)

  16. Stuart Candy and Kelly Kornet (2019) ‘Turning Foresight Inside Out: An Introduction to Ethnographic Experiential Futures’

  17. Jim Dator (2014) ‘“New beginnings” within a new normal for the four futures’

  18. Jim Dator at Centro and Introduction to Futures Studies

  19. Carlota Pérez (2002) Technological Revolutions and Financial Capital: The Dynamics of Bubbles and Golden Ages